Share your Joy

January 6, 2015 by

I can’t believe it is 2015 already, can you?  This is the time of year when we reflect on what we have experienced the past year individually, nationally, and even globally.  One of my favorite videos to watch at the end of the year is TED Talks recap of ideas.  It’s fascinating to watch the discoveries, the ideas and just the passion each individual shows with what they present.  Here’s a spoiler alert, but the video ends with a quote by Andrew Solomon, “Forge meaning.  Build identity.  And then invite the world to share your joy.”


Here at GreenHomes we like that quote a lot, especially the last part.  A big part of our work is inviting each of you into our joy; helping America to become more energy efficient.  Doing this extends the life of our resources for the generations to come and, well, extends the life of our pocketbooks, too.  Our joy is helping families all over America live comfortably and affordably.  This year, as we go into 2015, we are looking forward to continue to do that and we ask that you join us.  Let’s all share the joy!

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Take control of your Home’s Energy Usage during the Holidays

November 25, 2014 by

title-ghaWow, the holiday season is here.  It seems to come quicker every year.  This week as you celebrate Thanksgiving, don’t forget to save some energy.  It turns out that the kitchen accounts for about 15% of the home’s energy.  With holiday traditions often including extra baking and entertaining, your kitchen will be getting quite the work out.  Here are a few tips to keep your energy costs down:

Reuse the heat.  Using the stove and oven will generate more heat in your house.  To offset the cost, turn down your thermostat.  And, with the extra heat from the kitchen, you won’t need the thermostat up so high.

Stock the fridge with leftovers.  Don’t be afraid to pack your fridge tight with leftovers.  Having a full fridge helps reduce the energy it needs to keep your foods cool.

Keep your burners clean.  Clean burners mean less grime and less grime means less energy needed to heat the burner.  Regular maintenance might be a pain, but it will pay off in the long run.

Just a few small changes can go a long way in saving energy and of course, money, all without compromising your holiday.  Enjoy your time with family and friends.  Give thanks for the many blessings that surround you.  And, if you need help saving even more energy in your home, give us a call.  We are happy to help.

Thanks for stopping by!

Whatever you do, do it well

November 18, 2014 by
Screenshot from Mickey Mouse in Black and White Volume 1. (Timecode 00:00:04 of main feature). DVD issued by Walt Disney Home Entertainment, December 2003. DVD © Disney. Film copyright MCMXXIX (1929) DISNEY.

Screenshot from Mickey Mouse in Black and White Volume 1. (Timecode 00:00:04 of main feature). DVD issued by Walt Disney Home Entertainment, December 2003. DVD © Disney.
Film copyright MCMXXIX (1929) DISNEY.

“Whatever you do, do it well.  Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” – Walt Disney

Today, in 1928, Walt Disney took the cartoon world by storm with Steamboat Willie.  It was the first cartoon with synchronized sound.  Then, again, in 1937 Disney continued with creating the first sound and color animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.  It’s safe to say he did animated cartoons and he did them well, so well that people continue to come back again and again.

Following Walt Disney’s lead, what we do we want to do it well, not for us, but for you.  We specialize in home energy audits.  You may have heard of it before.  It’s a service that can help you live more comfortably, safely, and affordably, all while reducing your carbon footprint.  Like cartoons, there are different versions out there of a home energy audit but only some may be of worth.  Ours is different.  For one, it’s comprehensive.  It takes more than just a clipboard to do our audit.  Our advisors are certified and equipped with tools to test your entire home’s performance.  After we do the audit and the improvements on your home, we come back and run a test just to make sure everything is at its optimal performance.

Find a location near you and see us do it well.  So well that we know you will want to bring others in to show them just how well we did.  And, whatever field you may be in, we offer the same advice to you, whatever you do, do it well.

Thanks for stopping by!


Happy Veterans Day!

November 11, 2014 by


It’s time to honor all of those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.  According to the Census Bureau there are more than 21 million veterans in the U.S.  Check out this infographic for a more detailed breakdown.  The numbers are astounding.  Chances are, with the large number of veterans still alive, we will pass one or two during the day today.  Take a minute to say hi and thank you, maybe even help them out.  After all, because of their sacrifice, we still have our freedom.

And, to any veterans who might be reading this, thank you.  We are humbled by your sacrifice and ever grateful that you fought to protect this great nation.

Here is a list of freebies we found for veterans across the United States, enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by,

A Worldwide Energy Transition

November 6, 2014 by


Last month, as we celebrated Energy Action month, we took a look at the Residential Energy Consumption Survey.  It showed that we are using more energy than ever before.  Efforts are being made not only nationwide, but worldwide to improve that number.  The Energiewende is what they are calling it and Germany is leading the push.  The New York Times writes, “Germany will soon be getting 30 percent of their power from renewable energy sources.  Many smaller countries are beating that, but Germany is by far the largest industrial power to reach that level in the modern era.  It is more than twice the percentage in the United States.”

It sounds like we have some catching up to do and we, at GreenHomes, couldn’t agree more.  There’s no better place to start saving energy than our homes.  Making your home more energy efficient whether that’s through proper air sealing and insulation, a right-sized AC or furnace, or even solar panels, can all help decrease our energy consumption.  And, if it helps, saving energy in your home will leave you more comfortable and lower your utility bills.

Read the full New York Times article referenced above, here:

Thanks for stopping by!


Happy Halloween!

October 30, 2014 by


Halloween is a holiday I know I looked forward to when I was a little kid.  We always carved pumpkins and had a blast doing it.  Of course it was fun to dress up as well, but it was even more fun to get all the free candy!  Although, walking around at night in a costume isn’t the safest thing.  Good news is we can all help make Halloween a little safer for everyone in the neighborhood.  Here are a few tips:

  • Leave carving to the adults. Carving a pumpkin can be difficult for a little one.  Let them draw the face and you carve it for them.
  • Use reflective tape. With the addition of reflective tape on costumes or treat bags, this will help increase visibility.
  • Street lights aren’t everywhere and sometimes yards are dark, be sure to have flashlights with fresh batteries for your trick-or-treaters.
  • Make your home safe for trick-or-treaters. Check outdoor lights and replace burned out bulbs.  Clear sidewalks of debris for easy walking.
  • Look both ways. It’s difficult for motorists to see trick-or-treaters.  Be sure to look both ways before crossing.

More tips can be found on American Academy of Pediatrics website.

From all of us at GreenHomes, be safe this Halloween!  Share this post with a neighbor and protect the trick-or-treaters in your neighborhood.

Thanks for stopping by!


Is Your Home Energy Efficient?

October 23, 2014 by


Pictured above is a snapshot of an infographic about your home’s efficiency.  The full version can be found on our website.  Our homes are one of the biggest investments we make in our lifetime.  We, as homeowners, should be determined in getting the most out of our home and that starts with its energy efficiency.  There are many ways you can make your home more energy efficient on your own like we talked about in our last post, Home Energy Saving Tips.  Kudos to you if you began to implement them!

There are, however, a number of things in your home that can’t be seen by the naked eye or fixed on your own.  For example, outside pollutants can seep into your home through small holes built into the structure of the home.  This isn’t something you would see.  It often translates itself into uneven temperatures in your home or unhealthy living conditions.  If you are experiencing either of these, the chances are you won’t find the culprit.  Since a lot of the holes are in the structure of the home, they will be behind walls or between floors where our naked eye cannot see.

At GreenHomes, we understand home efficiency.  We know the importance of conserving our resources and our pocketbooks.  And we specialize in home energy audits.  A home energy audit uses tools that can identify the holes that may be in the structure in your home.  It does more too.  We can tell you where energy is being used, where you are losing energy, and how you can save energy.  And of course, with saving energy, comes saving money.  Not to mention, your home will be more comfortable than ever before.

Feel free to share this post with a neighbor; let’s all play a part in saving energy this October!

Thanks for stopping by!


Home Energy Saving Tips

October 9, 2014 by


This month, with the focus on energy, we want to encourage every homeowner to take action no matter how big or how small to conserve energy.  Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Cooking is like a puzzle. Match your pot to the size of your stovetop burner.  Using smaller pots waste heat when used on large burners.
  2. Don’t soak. Take short showers instead of baths.  If you want to save even more energy, use a low-flow showerhead.
  3. Power off, completely. If you aren’t in the room, turn off lights, TVs, computers, etc.
  4. Unplug battery chargers when not in use. Many chargers continue to burn energy even when the device isn’t plugged into the charger.
  5. Slow down. Drive safe and slow down.  Not only is speeding dangerous, it wastes fuel too.
  6. Upgrade your thermostat. Using a programmable thermostat may save you an estimated $180 a year.  It saves energy, too.
  7. Use cold water. Washing clothes with cold water can save you 40 cents per load.
  8. Forget the dryer. Dry your clothes on a clothesline or drying rack and save an estimated $252 a year.
  9. Ditch the incandescents. CFLs and LEDs are more energy-efficient and give off the same amount of light.  More information can be found on our fact sheet.
  10. Get an energy audit. Find out where your home is using and losing energy.  More than likely that lost energy is also costing you money.  Learn more in this video.

Sources:  Duke Energy, ENERGY STAR, Energy Information Administration, Choice Home Warranty

Energy Action Month, our favorite!

October 2, 2014 by

shutterstock_46711030Every October, we celebrate, along with the nation, Energy Action Month.  Its call on us is simple, take action.  With all the energy we use on a daily basis, it’s a good idea to step back from time to time and see where we can save energy for future generations.  We don’t want to use up all of our resources before our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids get to enjoy them.  From what the Residential Energy Consumption Survey tells us, we are using more energy than we ever have before!  Here at GreenHomes America, we focus primarily on home energy.  Each homeowner has an opportunity to not only save energy, but also save money.  For example, if you use a programmable thermostat, you will save energy and  an estimated $180 a year.  There are more examples like this one on our Energy Action Month fact sheet.

The first step, though, is to find out where your home is using and losing energy with a home energy audit.  From there, you can join the forces in saving energy and save money while you’re at it.

Share this post with anyone who owns a home.  Help save energy and help them save money.

Thanks for stopping by!


It’s Baby Safety Month

September 25, 2014 by


The  Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) calls September Baby Safety Month.  Their tagline this year is Making Baby Safer, Room By Room.  Safety is something we hold as high regard at GreenHomes America.  In fact, during our home energy audit, we do a list of health and safety tests while in your home so that you can have the peace of mind knowing that the systems in your home are functioning correctly.  When we learned about Baby Safety Month we couldn’t help, but jump on board.  Below are some helpful links to baby safety information for different rooms in your house.

Thank you to JPMA for raising awareness to the importance of educated consumers, retailers and manufactures to help protect the little ones of America.  After all they are our future and the ones we are working to conserve energy for.

Share this post with any parents you might know and help them be safe.

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